Fast Track Cystoscopy Service

Information for Doctors


To reduce waiting times and improve efficiency for patients AFTCS offers a fast track Cystoscopy booking service.

We aim to:

Provide a time and cost efficient service for the patient with less waiting time for their appointment and less visits in total to the doctor. At AFTCS male and female patients are booked directly onto the cystoscopy Day Surgery list avoiding waiting for availability to see the doctors in the Consulting Rooms.

If you have any queries about the process or the procedure or any suggestions on how we can improve the care outcomes please contact us.

Suitable for:

  • Microscopic haematuria
  • Macroscopic haematuria
  • Recurrent Urine Infections
  • Sterile pyuria
  • Bladder or urethral pain
  • Previous history of bladder cancer
  • Complications from previous pelvic surgery
  • To investigate abnormalities on imaging studies
  • Removal of ureteric stent

Please contact us if you would like to discuss with a urologist if your patient problem is appropriate for this service. More complex problems requiring evaluation should be referred for initial consultation as usual. Patients may be recommended for prior review at the time of initial referral or for subsequent review and further assessment following cystoscopy if deemed appropriate.

To Book

Send your referral by Healthlink, email, fax, or phone We will contact the patient to make the appointment or if they prefer they can phone or email us. Phone 08 8239 9109 Fax 08 82399464 email

Download patient information sheet

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