This information is not comprehensive, is only current at the date initially published and does not constitute medical advice. Do not rely on any content for clinical decision making and instead seek appropriate professional advice. Continence Matters is not responsible for any loss anyone suffers in connections with the use of this information.

Continence Course for Health Professionals


Designed for health professionals, you will become confident in evaluating a female patient with urinary incontinence and associated conditions. This course, comprising 42 short video lessons and eight quizzes, focuses on the essential aspects of the history, examination, and an introduction to treatment options. Lean in your own time.  The average video duration is 2 minutes, 50 seconds.  The sample patient downloads are editable. The course is free of advertising.  Visit the course page.

This is an RACGP-accredited Educational Activity for 3 hours CPD.

Continence Course for Health Professionals

Continence Course for Health Professionals

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