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An Incontinent Truth wins another Film Festival Award - Best AI Documentary AI Film Awards World Paris Edition 2025
Dr Samantha Pillay OAM has been awarded the Medal of the Order of Australia for her service to urology. "It is a privilege to work alongside Dr Joy O'Hazy OAM, and her inspiration is part of my journey and recognition."
An Incontinent Truth Winner Best in Women's Issues at the Globe Film & Music Festival, Texas.
Dr Pillay was the 2024 Women In Innovation Social Impact Award Winner presented at the Adelaide Wine Centre.
This AI-generated dance-pop single, created by Dr Pillay, to raise awareness about urinary incontinence is now available on most music streaming platforms. Listen on Spotify.
An Incontinent Truth was among four films nominated for Best Screenplay at the AI Film Awards in Dubia in 2024. We were delighted to profile continence awareness at an international film festival and honoured to receive this recognition.
An Incontinent Truth is a groundbreaking documentary-style film that uses AI technology to shed light on the hidden impact of urinary incontinence. Blending the seriousness of a documentary with the glamour of the Oscars, the film draws the audience in with an unconventional approach—juxtaposing composite stories of everyday struggles against the backdrop of red carpets and awards. Using AI-generated voices, images, and a custom soundtrack for a rarely discussed subject, the film breaks new ground in storytelling. With nods to An Inconvenient Truth and Live Aid, it creates a world where incontinence receives the attention it deserves. Dr Samantha Pillay’s vision was to leverage AI to overcome barriers of funding, anonymity, and traditional film production, delivering a powerful message about ending the stigma and creating societal change. Watch the short film here.
Dr Pillay was awarded the 2024 Low-Arnold Prize for the best presentation in the field of Female and Functional Urology at the national annual scientific meeting of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand. Her paper was on 19 years of follow up of patients having bladder botulinum toxin injections.
Dr Pillay is the Australian Pelvic Floor Procedure Registry Site Investigator for Calvary North Adelaide Hospital. This site was one of four sites in Australia awarded the Significant Contributor Award presented by Professor Susannah Ahern, Monash University.
19 years of follow up of Dr Pillay's bladder boltulinum toxin injection data was presented at the South Australian and Northern Territory Scientific Meeting for the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Dr Pillay was honoured to be listed as one of the inspirational women in South Australia in the Into the Light Documentary, projected onto South Australia's Government House facade during the Illuminate Adelaide festival, 2023. You can view the video here.
In 2023, Continene Matters was one of four state finalists for the Telstra Best of Business Awards for Accelerating Women and six finalist for Champioing Health.
Continence Matters is announced as a finalist in the Telstra Best of Business Awards 2023
An accessible video eLearning course for Health Professionals - GPs, nurses, physiotherapists and aged care workers. This course covers the management of Female Urinary Incontinence and Female Urology and aims to broaden the education in health care workers:
Read this article by Dr Samantha Pillay published in Body&Soul. The Condition Affecting Millions of Australians No One is Talking About
Listen to Dr Pillay's video interview on Chai, Chat & Community with Saleha Singh
The FDA in the USA has issued a warning about the risks of 'vaginal rejuvination' laser procedures.
Continence Matters presented another Make Australia Dry workshop on Tuesday the 18th September 2018 in Connery House Calvary North Adelaide Hospital, 89 Strangways Tce North Adelaide.
The event was very successful with feedback from all attendees positive. Drs Samantha Pillay and Ailsa Wilson Edwards delivered an extensive program and many questions and answers displayed a keen interest in the topics covered.
We will be holding another workshop in 2019 on a date yet to be decided. Watch this space for more information
Dr Samantha Pillay talks to David Bevan on ABC Radio 891.
Continence Matters is pleased to present another MAKE AUSTRALIA DRY workshop.
WHEN: Monday 23rd October 2017
TIME: Registration and canapes - 5.30pm. Speakers 6.00pm to 8.00pm. Refreshments and informal questions 8.00pm to 8.30pm.
WHERE: Connery House, Calvary North Adelaide Hospital, 89 Strangways Tce. North Adelaide 5006
TOPICS to be presented by Dr Samantha Pillay FRACS
- Recurrent UTI's
- Nocturia
- Urinary retention
- Interstitial Cystitis and Bladder Pain
- Haematuria
- Enuresis
- Neurogenic Bladder
Registration is free but numbers are strictly limited
To register, go to
Dr Pillay, Dr Wilson Edwards, and Dr Couchman attended the second Australian Female Urology Symposium Melbourne 29th-30th July 2017. A specialised urology meeting with world renowned international speakers presenting. Congratulations to Dr Couchman for an outstanding State of the Art lecture on Functional MRI in the Ageing Brain.
Providing advice and information, and managing complications from vaginal mesh implants.
Only some patients have experienced problems from vaginal mesh implants. Patients who have not experienced problems are unlikely to need any treatment.
The problems or complications are more common when mesh implants are used with prolapse surgery than when used for incontinence slings.
Our practice uses native tissue, not mesh, for prolapse surgery. We are able to advise patients who have complications from vaginal mesh implants.
Dr Wilson Edwards and Dr Pillay attend the UGSA annual national scientific meeting in Melbourne.
Dr Couchman, Dr Wilson Edwards and Dr Pillay attend the annual scientifc meeting of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand in Canberra.
This years workshop for GPs - Tuesday 25th October. Tickets through trybooking.
Continence Matters in association with CMed Pty Ltd continue their Make Australia Dry Workshops in 2015 with the next workshop on 20 October 2015. To book your spot go to or for more information call Peter Rutter on 08 8239 9109 or if you prefer email:
Continence Matters is participating in a National Multicentre Randomised Clinical Trial for Untreated Stress Incontinent Women Comparing standard pelvic floor exercises to the Pericoach system.
Pericoach is an intravaginal sensor that links to a patient’s Smartphone to provide feedback on their exercise performance.
We are recruiting patients now - go to our Clinical Trial page on this site for more information or Contact: Clinical Trials Coordinator on 08 82399457
From November 1st 2014 Botox will be available for qualifying patients on the PBS. Patients need to be over 18 years of age, failed therapy with two anticholinergic medications, and have at least 14 episodes of incontinence per week.
Dr Samanth Pillay and Dr Ailsa Wilson Edwards are addressed a gathering of South Australian Gynaecologists on the mechanisms of action of Botox and where it fits into the OAB algorithm.
Dr Pillay attended this event to support young female medical students.
Dr Pillay presentated at the state meeting for Urologists results from her first 98 patients undergoing treatment with sacral neuromodulation.
Continence Matters, Surgeons, Continence GP's and Continence Nurse delivered another sold out edcational workshop of South Australian GP's.
Dr Pillay attended a National Meeting on the Management of Overactive Bladder, Sydney.
Both Dr Ailsa Wilson Edwards and Dr Samantha Pillay attended the annual scientific meeting of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand. This was held in Brisbane. Dr Pillay presented on Botulinum toxin at a workshop on Overactive Bladder. Several international speakers also presented. Next years meeting will be held in Adelaide.
Joy joins our dedicated team as a Continence GP. Joy is passionate about women's health with a career spanning over 30 years in this field.
The opening of our new facility at Calvary Hospital. Fluoroscopic Urodynamic Service available.
Dr Pillay is invited to speak at the South Australian meeting of the Urogynaecologial Society of Australasia on The Role of Botulinum toxin in the treatment of Detrusor Overactivity.
Dr Pillay is invited to speak on sacral neuromodulation at the annual ISPP conference in Sydney.
Dr Pillay is invited to speak at the South Australian meeting of the Urogynaecologial Society of Australasia on The Role of Botulinum toxin in the treatment of Detrusor Overactivity.
Dr Pillay was invited to speak to Singapore urologists on sacral neuromodulation.
Dr Pillay was invited to speak to the Urology Nurses and Continence Nurses of South Australia on Sacral Neuromodulation.
'Make Australia Dry' is the campaign launched by Continence Matters and CMed to promote and deliver educational programs and resources for health professionals and the community in the managment of Incontinence and related conditions.
Dr Karen McKertich, urologist from Melbourne, visits Continence Matters for 3 days preceptorship training program.
Dr Ailsa Wilson Edwards attends the European Association of Urology international meeting in Milan. Follow her highlights on twitter @ContinenceMat or Facebbook
Dr Samantha Pillay presents at the Overactive Bladder Workshop for GP's held at the Adelaide Pavillion.
Lecture delivered to Health Professionals at the Independent Living Centre today.
Continence Matters aims to advance the sub-specialty of Female Urology, Pelvic Medicine and Recontructive Surgery within the field of Urology in Australia and New Zealand.
01 March 13 - Preceptorship Training - Dr Audrey Wang visits from Sydney to learn Percutanous Tibial Nerve Stimulation.
04 Feb 13 - Dr Lydia Putra Johns visiting this week from Ballarat.
Dr Pillay was interviewed for an article on Cystitis for Good Health and Medicine Magazine. To read a copy of the magazine atricle click here.
The Mitcham Prostate Cancer Support Group invited Dr Pillay to speak on the Treatment of Incontincence in Men after Prostate Surgery. To read a copy of a recent article written by Dr Pillay on the new male Advance sling for Prostate Supporter Magazine click here.