Various different operations can be performed to repair prolapse of the bladder, bowel, uterus, cervix or vaginal vault.
Surgery is usually only recommended if a prolapse is causing bothersome symptoms.
Repair can be performed via an abdominal approach ‘from above’ or through the vagina, ‘from below’. There are a number of things that need to be taken into consideration when planning or recommending prolapse repair for an individual patient. A detailed discussion of the options with your surgeon is recommended. Sometimes other surgery, for example; to treat urinary incontinence, can be performed at the same time.
Anterior Repair of a Cystocele - this repair of a ‘fallen bladder’ is performed through the vagina.
Posterior Repair of a Rectocele and/or Enterocele - this repair of prolapse of the bowel is performed through the vagina.
Mesh Repairs - This practice has never used vaginal placed mesh implants for prolapse surgery and continues to use native tissue repairs (no mesh) for vaginal prolapse surgery. Our surgeons are experienced in managing the complications related to vaginal mesh implants. There is ongoing debate and investigation into the use of mesh placed via the vagina for prolapse repair.
Transvaginal Repair of a Vault Prolapse - the vault of the vagina (the apex of the vagina in a woman who has had a hysterectomy), can be sutured to the sacrospinous or uterosacral ligaments or iliococcygeus fascia to suspend it.
Transabdominal Repair of Prolapse - surgery can be performed by an open, laparoscopic or robotic approach. Mesh can be used for the repair. This can also address prolapse of the bladder or bowel. Abdominal and Vaginal repairs can be combined.
Repair of a Prolapse of the Uterus - there are options to conserve or remove the uterus.
Surgical Prolapse Repair
Calvary Hospital Consulting Suites, 89 Strangways Terrace, North Adelaide 5006 Ph: 08 8239 9109 | Fax: 08 8239 9464 | |
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